This is your
The act of beginning something; rite of passage to transformation.
Have you ever wondered...
How you might be, feel and show up in the world if you stopped playing small?
Or how your life might look if you knew how to safely, securely, ecstatically meet the world in all its twists and turns with sensation-full presence?
Or whether it is possible for you to digest and integrate experiences, intense emotions and hardship swiftly with ease and grace to move-on in continued harmonic fullness?
Perhaps you have, and perhaps you've already begun your journey - towards a shift or change in your life or career - with a business coach, a meditation guide, a therapist or even a psychologist...
Only to find that mindset-only approaches have opened a portal to deeper layers of chaotic, dark, messy "stuff" that those practitioners can't walk with you through or truly help you resolve.
You're frustrated and rightly so. Why is this so hard? Why can't you just change the way you think to solve the behaviors or the belief system stopping you from your goal?
Darling, I have great news - first, you're being initiated into the depths of your own healing and transformation and second, all that's required now, is to open, look at, presence fully and integrate the deepest levels of core wounding, trauma and stored survival responses that are feeding your more external experience of non-serving behavioral patterns, false constructs and limiting beliefs.
The even better news is - that the latest neuroscience and trauma research through Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Experiencing tell us that to find resolution and enact shifts in your reality, we must address this "stuff" at the level at which it lives -
in your neurophysiology (the branches of your autonomic nervous system as governed by your limbic brain, not your conscious mind).
That's exactly what I help you do through my somatic integration practice - reclaim innate healing pathways you already possess so you can live your healthiest, whole, resilient life full of power, possibility and presence.
Basically, anything that no longer serves and hasn't been successfully resolved. That's what we work together to embrace.
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80 min. session
(Calendly scheduling link provided upon purchase.)
Initiation Consult
In this initial 80 minute somatic integration Zoom session, we explore the best ways in which to facilitate and structure ongoing engagement and nervous system-led shifts for you, your unique history and the goals you wish to achieve or shifts you desire to enact in your business, life or relationships.
The session includes a talk orientation and in-depth exploration of your experience, as well as an introductory somatic engagement journey for something specific we uncover together.
For example, it's common in this initial sessions to explore and assess where safety lives in your body, how it feels and represents itself in the inner landscape of your subconscious, and if there is none, what needs to be supported or embraced, what groundwork laid to architect safety in the system.
It's common also to explore what parts of you emerge that potentially need some type of permission to be in the body, to embrace self-hood, and what level or dosage of being in the body, in sensation, is tolerable.
And if there's a reasonable level of safety and permission that already exists in the system, in an initiation consult we can sometimes begin working directly with a particular survival response or behavioral pattern in your life; where and how it feels in your body, what it looks like, what it may be showing up for, what it needs from you, how to presence it, etc.
And/or begin to get in touch with the ways your body and nervous system needs to breath, move, sound, express to initiate the withdrawal of your contracts with limiting beliefs or false constructs, which tend to be more accessible somatic entry points to deeper core wounds, trauma and shame which ultimately are at the core of the matter.
A simple working definition of trauma is anything that is too much, too soon, too fast or too little, too slowly for your nervous system to handle, especially if a successful resolution of the cycle isn't met.
Hear direct from clients
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80 min. session
(Calendly scheduling link provided upon purchase.)
Uncover and claim the truth
in this 3-part initiatory email series.
The Call To Feel More: Why Should I Answer?
Why would I want to feel more pain, grief, anger, sadness or anything else 'negative' in my life?" a client asks.
I smile slowly and reply, "That, is a fantastic question."
I had just finished helping her understand that in my framework as a somatic integration coach, we go beyond purely philosophical perspectives of duality – good and bad, right and wrong, love and hate, black and white.
All sessions and their explorations are built around the biological, neurochemical experience of inhabiting the archetype of a whole human being and encoding that in your experience at a fundamental level, while also completing unfinished trauma circuits in the system to re-establish a basis of safety and home in the body.
The primary goal is to make space for feelings, experiences and aspects of existence previously pathologized, cast out or avoided, which coincidentally also creates new pathways for those parts to find their resolved, integrated resting places. In turn, this means you have more freed up neurophysiological bandwidth for the energy, vitality & capacity to inhabit your fullest self-expression and power.
Now - that still doesn't answer the question fully. There is no way of getting around that increasing your capacity to presence higher levels of sensation can and often is "hard work" and initiating your own healing sets off a lifelong, never-ending process of death and rebirth. Yea, I know - sounds funnnn...
So, why the heck do it? Here's my short list of top 5 reasons:
Your autonomic nervous system is meant to be in an activated or dysregulated state only 1-3% of the time, and for good reason. Walking through life over-estimating threats in your reality and responding with highly energy-intensive survival circuitry without resolution means your system becomes deeply ingrained as perpetually "on." This state is both emotionally-exhaustive AND biologically damaging.
As long as you are stuck "on" in survival mode, you cannot heal, regenerate or thrive. That is how your biology works at its most basic, fundamental level.
Further, there are mountains of peer-reviewed studies showing that unresolved trauma and stress are at the heart of almost all modern diseases. Let me put it this way: If you don't address your underlying nervous system dysregulations, current and past trauma, all that deep unconscious 'stuff,' it will likely manifest as illness, pain, auto-immunity and/or some type of physical symptoms given enough time.
Clients often come to me, after feeling they have exhausted the extent to which other modalities, such as yoga, mediation, therapy and even medication, can help them. They say things like, "I have a decent job, a house, even a family... but I'm just don't really feel much at all. I'm not sure I'm happy." Then they may begin to point towards an external issue as the source - perhaps it's their marriage, their boss, their aching hip. But the truth is inside.
What's the missing ingredient in their experience? Depth! Or if you like, intensity. The beautiful nuance and messiness of seeing life and inhabiting your experience in all their glorious shades of grey versus the confines of a black and white only world.
When you have a rigid lens of life, your neurobiology is literally short-changing you from the blissful ever-deepening experience of shades, nuance and gradations. Without training the process and ability to be with the tougher sensations or experiences, invariably you have also blocked yourself from the ability to receive and hold the depth of states like ecstasy, joy, pleasure, etc. There's no capability to presence anything other than a very narrow band of feelings, sensations, people and likely even experiences.
Let's be honest: Life never stops throwing us curveballs and it never will. We will always be faced with painful situations, difficult people, irritating circumstances and hardships. So too will we be faced with laugher, happiness, kindness, love and a litany of other high order sensations and states of being.
Through this work we train your capacity to presence and allow all types of high-sensation experiences and emotions, so they don't get stuck in your system. This is the same way you would go to the gym to lift weights and build a particular muscle group or the way you would form a new habit. It takes time and consist practice. Rinse and repeat.
So the more capacity you have, the more resilient you are - and if I were to reframe resiliency, I would go so far as to say, the easier life gets because you are able to regulate and come back to a balanced, home state - no matter what.
Manifesting - or if you prefer, creating, even goal-achieving - is inextricably linked to all of your unfinished nervous system cycles.
I've found that what always takes precedence first manifesting into your experience will be the unresolved trauma cycles of your subconscious regardless of what your conscious mind focuses on, sees, feels or believes is possible to happen or even is programming to happen now.
Your past, unfinished, non-integrated "stuff" will come back into your reality continually seeking some type of resolution or different
ending. And at a nervous system level, if you don't do the work to encode safety and security to expand, slowly, any time you reach for something new, for a change, a different direction in your life, it will feel like invisible walls of resistance are thrown up at your every turn.
This is your system shutting down possibility, seeing threat in the new and the novel, and you, not knowing how to meet and give it what it needs to feel safe to try.
Healing is a lifelong process, as I said. The "work" is never finished my love. By initiating your claim on experiencing all of life's fullness and possibility, you claim your power to meet and have all of yourself and all of the world.
In essence, you become the force of nature you were always intended to be. A power to be reckoned with; capable of re-shaping worlds - and not just yours.
You become that inspiring, magnetic beacon on light that touches, impacts, influences everyone you come into contact with and feels unshakably safe to both express & be seen in its most unique expressions.
Soooo, let's get started darling!
Let's lean in together to uncovering the best ways YOU can hold yourself on this messy, beautiful, chaotic, ecstatic journey of human being.
What are you waiting for...? No one's going to give you permission to RISE. Only you can do that. <3
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Initiation Consult
Introductory price
80 min. session
(Calendly scheduling link provided upon purchase.)
Join the capacity-building online experience designed
to initiate healing and create resiliency in your life.
Nervous System-Led Healing: How Is It Different?
When I talk about body-led healing, and synonymously, nervous system-led healing, understand that I'm speaking about facilitating the branches of your autonomic nervous system, which are controlled by the grouping of master structures in your brain known as the limbic system. For the record, your higher order mammalian conscious mind (the prefrontal cortex) is not part of the limbic system.
I often say this work is like talk therapy, but for the body (and by body, I mean autonomic nervous system and upstream from that, the limbic brain). Okay, so now that we've gotten the precision of language clarifications out of the way, here's my main point:
This work is different because it works for everyone. If you are a human being, you have this same technology within you. You have your animal body and its autonomic nervous system connected to your primal brain (not the conscious mind) makes up your primary operating system - which we all share. It's the primary driver of your human experience.
As Carl Jung famously said: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
Bottomline: Somatic explorations hold immense power because they can and will help any individual, of any age, background or experience and with efficiency. And they can furthermore empower you to be your own medicine. How? By initiating transformative healing as you wield your own unique set of regulating and capacity-building tools, sensation training practices and nervous system knowledge-base.
And if you're curious, here's exactly how working with me is different - from both a psychotherapy approach or engaging another coach.
Johanna L.
Denver, CO
"I came to this work with Christine as a successful business woman, in a high-powered leadership position, with a beautiful family, and seemingly everything that should make for a good, or even great, life. And yet, I didn't feel a part of my life at all. In fact, I barely felt anything.
I was numb, tapped out and constantly living in a type of untethered dissociative type state. When we first began working together, I had absolutely no safety in my body and couldn't really even stand to be in my body.
But over the course of a 2 month somatic coaching package, once weekly sessions, I was able to truly address the root cause, or in my case, causes, of this dissociative, non-present and often frozen type experience that was my life.
Christine is the most compassionate, truly gifted, intuitive facilitator I've ever encountered. I wouldn't have entrusted the messy process of integrating some of my deepest core wounding and developmental trauma to anyone else and frankly, I can't recommend her enough.
The impact and depth of what she has given me, in a concentrated amount of time, has been the best investment of my life. I carry such a spirit of awe, wonder, depth and true presence in my life now that has enriched my entire human experience and naturally also my relationships.
Within a few months after working with Christine, I was able to navigate, trust and recognize new investment opportunities with clarity that have led me and my family to entirely new levels of abundance. With all of my heart, and all that I am, I recommend somatic integration work with Christine!"
Tara G.
Los Angeles, CA
"For the first time in my life, I don't feel broken. I no longer identify with belief patterns that have greater limited my ability to lead my team and grow my business the way I'd like.
What's more...
this new spaciousness, grounding, presence and self-expressiveness lives in my body.
I carry it every day, waking up sometimes to feel utterly surprised it is still there.
I always felt as though I there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I would constantly shut-down in certain situations and I couldn't really feel, or tolerate feeling, much at all.
After taking Permission To Thrive, & working with Christine 1-on-1, I have such a...
greater sense of freedom and happiness.
The change that has taken place in me only after 13 weeks is so profound. This work literally saved my life. I think that is endorsement enough."
Lin Z.
Boulder, CO
"I've never been able to find a safety in my body until I came to this work. I grew up in an abusive environment and found myself as an adult a chronically underfulfilled overachieving lawyer that had no true friends or relationships outside of those I knew from work.
For the first time in my life, I have hope & trust. The tools I learned from this work were eye-opening and have allowed me to...
take hold of my nervous system & begin to re-shape it in a very positive way.
I found Christine's breakdown and presentation of this work welcoming, sensitive, tailored and easy to digest.
Highly recommend!"
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Initiation Consult
Introductory price
80 min. session
(Calendly scheduling link provided upon purchase.)
Superpower Languages: How To Dialogue With Self?
Anytime you begin getting to know someone for the first time, it can feel awkward. The same is true for beginning to craft a relationship with self - with the animal body and its primal circuitry governed by your limbic system.
But just as you can talk to another person, you can and in my opinion must, learn to dialogue with self - specifically with your autonomic nervous system. I've already covered the why in-depth here, so now I want to talk with you about the how.
Here's a short list of the superpower languages we use together in our somatic integration work:
Movement & impulse expression
The "felt sense"
Imagination & subconscious imagery
We approach our integrative explorations together in layers. And where we start, depends on entirely on how ready your system is - not how ready your conscious mind is.
It becomes critical we cultivate consistent dialogue with your body to understand what is the minimum effective dose here.
These are most typically the layers I see working with clients, in order of most outer to inner, each usually informing or entangled some way with the former:
A. Limiting beliefs & false constructs;
B. Persistent, non-serving behavioral patterns, trauma(s) & survival responses;
C. Core wounds, toxic shame & latent parts of you misattuned to during critical developmental stages.
Integration Layers: Where Do We Start?
My unique framework for each layer we are working on typically happens in two phases (within a single session or across multiple sessions):
FIRST | Permission Invocations
Here is where we build, or rebuild, a foundation of safety, security and stability within your system.
And use psychoeducation to create an allyship of understanding between your conscious prefrontal cortex and the limbic brain that governs your autonomic nervous system.
Here too is where we practice the gentle art of embracing your experience exactly as it is, where it is and meeting it curiosity and kindness (vs. a desire to obliterate or change it).
Most importantly, here is where we lay the groundwork for ensuring you give your system the permission it needs to do, be, express, move, breathe, sound however it needs to shift and fully integrate your experience(s).
The system must feel safe to express, then the desire to express and finally the permission to express before we ask it to truly, organically express how and when it needs for you to inhabit your deepest harmonic, whole states of well-being.
SECOND | Somatic Explorations
Here is where we begin to challenge your system, to hold, truly feel and presence higher levels of sensations within containers of safety, set by me for you in our sessions, and also set by you in your life, within a practice frequency and parameters that best serve the layer we are facilitating.
Here too is where we begin to shift your relationship with your activations, or survival responses; uncovering the tools and ways unique to you and your system that can best facilitate your regulation (ie. homeostasis; ie. balanced, resilient state after one of life's curveballs).
Most importantly, here is where we really focus on capacity-building, intuitive self-dialogue and organic impulse expression and honoring the system and the time and unique way it needs to move, breathe, be, act, sound, in a non-forced or prescribed way, to find resolution - of past and present experiences.
This is the greatest work I believe any of us can undertake to do in our lives; to, as Carl Jung once said, “…rather be whole, than good.” Ultimately, approaching the release of old patterns from a framework of ‘wholeness,’ architects new levels of resiliency in the body and spirit as connectedness and harmony weaves itself into the fabric of your new reality.
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Initiation Consult
Introductory price
80 min. session
(Calendly scheduling link provided upon purchase.)
Somatic Integration: How Does It Work?
In sessions, we work together to use your own body's sensations and subconscious visuals to guide our integrative healing both in and out of the water.
The techniques of somatic noticing and interactive guided imagery blend seamlessly in sessions with the modalities of water, sound and movement for a powerful integrative combination that works to liberate stuck nervous system patterns and energy in the body allowing them to move through, release and find a final resting resolution.
When these unfinished experiences find their closing expression, it frees up the bandwidth again in your human operating system - for the new and novel, for more love and joy, for anything you desire to create.
It's an innate healing process you already possess. I simply help you retrain the pathways that may have been forgotten or unused for some time.
Somatic Integration Technique
Introductory price
80 min. session