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Running Up

k n o w s

the body

Access your creative prowess. Unleash your fullest Self.
Redefine artistic success.
Claim your gifts. 



to reconnect to your body's
wisdom & innate ability to heal 

through trauma-informed,
evidence-based practices

that increase your bandwidth for
self-expression & trauma release




we begin to:

  • Reset & rewire the nervous system.

  • Reconnect with creative impulses & authentic Self instincts.

  • Honor & expand artistic & expressive needs, knowings & truth.

  • Learn new self-regulation tools through relation & restoration.

  • Cultivate the ability to create & maintain a self-expression practice.

  • Prime the release of trauma, limiting beliefs & old stories of who you are or could be .

  • Reclaim inner safety & resiliency while expanding & exploring into new life stories.

  • Work with, not against, your nervous system to clear resistance & fear.

  • Uncover new, potent ways to connect with, understand & have all of your Self.

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led by an 





There are a million reasons why it’s safer not to be you
(like, the real YOU)

and I would bet, you likely already know each and every one of them.

You’re intimately familiar with just how adamantly your parents or teachers impressed on you their desires for what you become –

 a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, developer –

and how that shaped your world view and the path you then took

(and believed was safe, assured, agreeable).


You’re wholly in touch with where the ceilings, or the caps, to your potential –

as an authority, artist, creator, creative or aspiring

lie firmly immutable and un-crossable.

And where those stories, or beliefs, first originated (likely as a means to keep you safe)

and how you continue to carry them and they, color your choices (and chances).



 And well, wouldn’t this human-ing thing

just be all that much simpler

if it was as easy as tricking or training (take your pick) the mind into believing something else?

Putting faith with the rational thinking brain wholeheartedly into a new, more expansive truth?



But that’s just it…

the lack of hearted-ness in the equation when we set the ecosystem of us

up in this top down governance mistruth that is at fault.

Because it’s the body (the soma!) and its story (how its been wired)

that truly drives who, what and how we can be in this life.

To all the ones that the world told
who, how or what to be:

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The bottom-up physiology of your body and the top-down psychology of your mind are wholly interconnected, which means that to become a regulated & regulating force in the world, for yourself and for others...

Reshaping your body's autonomic nervous system and how it forms your perception, beliefs, behaviors and reactions, is paramount.

Nervous system state and psychological story join forces into enduring neural loops of experience, that unless interrupted, with gentle reinforcement, the right context and sequencing, persist indefinitely. 

So how can physiology craft new stories and the conditions for safety, wellness, connection and true thriving?

That's what this

5-week program
is all about. 




is an inclusive creator's hypermind - 
a 5 week long
somatic inquiry

that helps the artist within
reach its full potential in the world


You'll learn & experience: 


  • How to understand & follow your body's truth

& needs intuitively & more fully.


  • How to transform stored trauma & limiting stories with science-backed Somatic Experiencing techniques

  • Betters ways to understand, meet & shift common creator experiences -

    such as procrastination, resistance, feeling scattered,
    burned-out &/or failing to finish or complete ideas.


  • How to trust your creative instincts & impulses.

  • Ways to reframe, and physiologically rewire, your relationship to your innate gifts, art & authentic voice.

[ Question ]

How does this matter? Why is this important?

[ Answer ]

The Self cannot be healthy, and suppressed at the same time.

And when we consider defining trauma as as an outcome - the suppression of Self -  this means that at the most simple, elegant level - healing trauma is then all about the expression & receipt of a liberated Self.


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Copy of Copy of Copy of Peach and Grey Delicate Pastel Fitness YouTube Thumbnail (1200 × 6

That's why I've put together:

a first-of-its kind

creator's accelerator - 

a somatic-therapy guided hypermind
experience designed to 

 re-encode the body’s memory of threat
(being seen, criticized or judged, expressing yourself, going your own way & all the unique risks that face creatives & challenge their courage & conviction)

and the mind’s meaning of historical events -

to change the trajectory of
your story towards your
truest & authentic


5 hours of video lectures  + guided practices 

5 live client
demo sessions

over 5 weeks 


Until 11/11


 $555 x 3
Until 11/11

  You are still all
you thought you lost.

     Let us remember,

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a program led by

a professional dancer turned
somatic psychologist


Christine Ren
somatic therapist/ coach

As a young woman, I struggled deeply with body dysmorphia, autoimmunity and development trauma that left me floundering in the chaos of my own life and how to makes sense of myself and my story. 

Dance saved my life. I could've found anything to cope with the constancy of relentless "charge" (autonomic nervous system activations due to real and perceived threat) - drinking, drugs, binge-ing - but I found breath, sound, movement & music. 

I didn't go looking for the ways to liberate trauma from my system. My body took me there all on its own. And that intelligence, that instinctual compass, is what I'm determined to help as many others recapture as possible for their own well-being. 

And now, after multiple degrees, and CE, drawing deeply from the lineages of Somatic Experiencing, IFS Parts Work & Polyvagal Theory, I get to share that wisdom as a somatic therapist - through group programs (like this on) and 1-on-1 support. 



As therapist, and also an internationally-published underwater performance artist, here's what my healing framework of somatic coherence allows me to travel the world and self-express as ;)  /



And I see that same unique spark of self-expression,

of voice, of purpose, vision & truth,  in you, and invite you to consider just how much the world needs your voice, your gifts, your presence, attunement and liberated body-mind - 

- now more than ever.  


the body knows


"Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

C A R L  J U N G 


Join a safe, inclusive group 
body-led healing
& creative liberation

from anywhere online


 $ 1 1 1 1  |  5  w e e k s


  • When: Access to the program portal begins > Dec 12th, 2022 

  • How: This online program runs as a sequential release of content & practices weekly over the course of 5 weeks: hybrid weekly live group & pre-recorded material experience. 

    • LECTURE & PRACTICES | Weekly, Friday evenings (EST), 1 hour course video lecture & guided practices (plus reference PDFs) are sent out to all students to view & process, on their own timeline / schedule before client demo  sessions.

    • LIVE DEMOS | Weekly, Wednesday evenings (7pm EST)1 hour recorded 1-on-1 client practice sessions, where you'll witness & benefit from the vulnerable experiences & learning process of a participant (just like you) navigating the program in real-time;
      a place for questions, sharing, troubleshooting & guided facilitation in each week's topics & practice material.



/  W e e k  1  / Decoding Success: The Self-Expression - Safety Scale 
  • Summary: This module presents an overview of insights & stories from artists & creators that have undertaken trauma integration work & unlocked their greatest ideas to-date, as well as from professionals who've changed careers & finally taken the leap to honor their inner creator - and what it took to undo the world's projected stories of who, what & how they could be. 

    In this introductory setting, you'll have the opportunity to identify where creativity & inspiration lives in your body & what & how it gets shut down - as we explore the unique, yet prevalent, emotional & interpersonal, struggles & challenges faced by creators, innovators, makers today. 

    This week is all about forming a baseline intake of where you are, want to be and how we start to define what creative success means for you - each week, as we you do the exercises & learn the material, you'll take one (or many!) more steps, with full support of the group container & guide, towards your unique creator and/or project goals.  


/  W e e k  2  / Trauma & The In-Debt Body 
  • Summary: Here we cover digestible ways to  understand trauma, through somatic debts and overcouplings & why and how your self-expression is literally your own medicine; learning what happens in the traumatized body (both the mind and the nervous system) and why we then behave, choose, feel and act the ways that we do - particularly as it relates to creative expression.

    Here we'll also introduce concepts of regulation and charge, intuition vs. instinct and how those help us form guideposts for each of our unique, singular, messy, non-linear healing journeys. 

    Specifically, this module expands more in-depth on the common shared trauma narratives related to self-expression introduced in the previous module & provides tailored practices. 


/  W e e k  3  /  How We Free the Body (Relate & Regulate) 
  • Summary: In-depth overview of how we regulate, with Self and others - through activation and a return to baseline (or rupture & repair) & through gentle, titrated constriction and expansion. 

    The 'Face, Feel, Free' methodology is introduced here and we work somatically with video recorded explorations on tracking the charge, orienting to sensation and deepening into feeling through an array of supports.  

    Specifically, this module focuses on permission & inner child work as it relates to self-expression, authenticity, artistic ceilings and creative possibilities for Self. 

    And provides structured and improvisational somatic prompts for how we listen to &  move stress - liberating stuck sensation (ie. thwarted survival physiology - when it is ready to go).

/ W e e k  4  /  Belief Becomes Biology
  • Summary: Story, thoughts and meaning can often become identities & then behaviors, sourced originally from unintegrated, overwhelming experiences and versions of us that endured them.

    Here we focus on learning how the
    trigger is the medicine, to allow us to investigate overcouplings of threat from the past, how they cue stress and trauma response in the present, and ways we start updating our system and building capacity. 

/ W e e k  5  /  Retrieving The Intuitive, Instinctual Soma (and Self)
  • Summary: Here we deepen into somatic explorations of our own body's needs, truth and boundaries, with more in-depth Parts work; after excavating somatic stories and meanings the mind made - we return to the whole Self, and cultivating our freest, truest soverign creator. 

    In closing, we focus on the
    tools & full integration of all that the 5 weeks have covered - so you are equipped to fully live into your new somatic stories.

    And here
     we celebrate together, showcase creative works and new ideas and discuss long-term strategies for continuing to train expansion over constriction in the nervous system (and subsequently, your self-expression). 


To register: 


Until 11/11


 $555 x 3
Until 11/11

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Let's Talk:


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